What are Bra and Bikini?
The Bra is a woman's undergarment that supports and covers her breasts. Bras are typically form-fitting and perform a variety of functions and have also evolved into a fashion item. The primary purpose of a Bra is to enhance the wearer's comfort by supporting her breasts. Women sometimes wear Bras to conform to informal or formal social norms such as a business dress code. In Western countries, it is estimated that from 75% to 90% of women wear a bra. A minority do not wear a Bra, sometimes for health or comfort reasons, or because they believe they do not need one. Bra designers and manufacturers originally produced Bras that were purely functional.
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And the Bikini is typically a woman's two-piece swimsuit. It is perhaps the most popular female beachwear around the globe, according to French fashion historian Olivier Saillard due to "the power of women, and not the power of fashion". As he explains, "The emancipation of swimwear has always been linked to the emancipation of women." By the mid 2000s, Bikinis had become a $811 million business annually, according to the NPD Group, a consumer and retail information company.
Nowadays, changing social trends and new fabrics and materials have increased the variety of available designs, and allowed manufacturers to make Bras and Bikinis that are in some instances more fashionable than functional.
1) Solar Powered Bikini
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The Solar Bikini is powered by the sun and has USB sockets stitched in for the wearer to plug in an electronic device.
Solar Powered Bikini |
The designer, New York-based Andrew Schneider, is even hoping to create a pair of trunks that can cool beer. He spends up to 80 hours creating each bikini with 40 paper thin flexible, photo-voltaic panels and conductive thread. The user can even take a dip. 'You just need to be dry before hooking up,'he added.Anyone worried about getting a shock from their swimwear needn't be. 'You wouldn't even feel the charge,'insisted Mr Schneider.
2) Sexy Functional Pocketed Bra
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The sexy, yet functional pocketed bra that will allow you to leave your purse behind and hit the dance floor without ever having to worry about the safety of your valuables. Its unique design will hold most cellphones, ID, key, and other small items regardless of bust size - no amount of items will change the way your bra fits you.
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When the pocket is empty, the patent pending design will look exactly like any other bra which means you can wear it night or day. Never again will you have to reach down the front of your dress looking for the key that slipped out of place.
Pocketed Bra |